About The Book (now available on Amazon: http://www.amazon.com/dp/1475282192)
Have you been named as an executor in someones will or just want to know what the process of estate administration from a practical standpoint is all about? Then read on!
This book is meant to help those who have been named as an executor, asked a loved one to administer their estate or someone who just wants to understand the process. It has some technical elements, like how stock transfers work – but the real value is in setting of expectations. It provides the first time executor enough information to be conversant when talking with lawyers, accountants and beneficiaries. The value is in helping to eliminate the "unknowns” of being an estate executor and providing guidance throughout the entire process. An additional benefit is showing how to save professional fees. The executor can file the will in probate court, close bank accounts, sell stock, send refunding bond notices etc... All those things are not difficult and can easily be handled by a layperson. The idea is to let the professionals s focus on their areas of expertise while the executor focuses on administrative items - and save cost while doing it. Review the Testimonials Section to see the value others have found from reading this book and feel free to contact us with any questions - we'll be glad to help! * If you are interested in volume discounts, please let us know via the Contact Us tab |